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Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Preferred Capital Holdings, LLC was organized in March of 2009 as a Delaware limited liability company. The organization includes individuals with a broad background and unique mix of talent who have come together with the common goal of taking advantage of the real estate cycle.

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The PCH Advantage

The PCH Advantage

PCH relies on its experience in all aspects of a “deal”: from the planning & analysis stage, to the development/acquisition stage, to the rehabilitation stage, throughout the due diligence period, into the operations and asset management stage, during the relationship management…

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Executive Profile

Executive Profile

With over 16 years in the commercial real estate industry, Scott Derrick is the Chief Executive Officer of Preferred Capital Holdings. Prior to forming PCH, Scott Derrick served as SCI’s Chief Investment Officer and Director of Acquisitions and Dispositions identifying and pursuing real estate opportunities…

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The principles of PCH played a prominent role in building one of the largest private student housing portfolios in the nation. PCH has delivered exceptional returns through the hold period for its investors including average IRRs of over 49% for student housing and 36% for multifamily...

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